Original Starbucks logo

The Starbucks Logo Has changed over the years

The Starbucks mermaid has become very collectible and much more modest.
The bare breasts in the Starbucks original logo were replaced with hanging hair.
The Starbucks Logo belly button was the next to go.
There are now many logos used for a variety of Starbucks collectible products.

The Original Logo and Starbucks Logo over the years

Original Starbucks logo
Original Logo TM
Starbucks logo 1987-1992
1987 - 1992 ®
Starbucks Espresso logo
Espresso Logo ®
Starbucks logo 1992-Today
1992 - Today ®
Some Starbucks Trivia
The first Starbucks store was Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle Washington.
The first Starbucks opened in April 1971,and did not sell or brew coffee by the cup,
but offered samples brewed from their beans.
In 1982 Starbucks began providing coffee to restaurants and espresso bars.
In 1984 Starbucks tested their own coffee bar in downtown Seattle.
The first Starbucks store opened in Paris on Friday, January 16, 2004

Some Starbucks collectibles can fetch a hefty price

Depending on the collectibles condition , age , rarity and popularity during 2004 and 2005
I have sold and seen
canisters selling for $20 $30 $50 ea. and more
Cups Mugs Pots and other items as well can get a good price from the right collector
Some collectibles are only sold at one Starbucks location which can make them more desirable

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All trade marks logos and slogans are the property of their rightful
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